The NZGCA coordinates several awards and performance competitions for members to celebrate their life with and love of Gypsy Cob and Drum Horses.
All competitions are open to financial members and any NZGCA-registered Purebred Gypsy Cob, Partbred Gypsy Cob, Drum Horse, or Partbred Drum Horse.
Competitions run from 1st April to 31st March each year. Submissions for these awards will be called for after 31st March by the Awards Coordinator. The entries will be collated and judged and the winners announced at the AGM, usually held in May.
For more information on the Awards in each section, click on the buttons below.
In-hand Performance Award - An annual competition recognising results from all in-hand activities
Ridden/Harness Performance Award - An annual competition recognising results from all activities performed under saddle or in harness.
Lifetime Achievement Award - A cumulative award that recognises performance in any in-hand, ridden and/or harness discipline throughout the horse’s lifetime. For more info on this award click here.
These awards require YOU to keep track of your wins and placings from competitions, as well as the number of competitors in each class to submit to the NZGCA at the end of the season. Click on the buttons above for more detailed information.
Versatility Award - This competition recognises the true “all-rounder” Gypsy Cob or Drum Horse who demonstrates their versatility across a range of equestrian-related activities.
Pleasure Award - This competition recognises the Gypsy Cob or Drum Horse that provides its owner with complete and utter pleasure. It is open to all ages, stages and types of cob – whether they are a youngster or veteran, ridden, driven, or unstarted.
Youth Award - This award celebrates the achievements of youth members (16yrs & Under as of 1st August) and their Gypsy Cobs and/or Drum Horses.
Gelding Ambassador Award - This award celebrates Purebred Gypsy Cob, Partbred Gypsy Cob, Drum Horse and Partbred Drum Horse geldings in their capacity as breed ambassadors
These competitions require you to submit a short paragraph (500 words max) and up to five (5) photos for each award you would like to enter at the end of the season. Click on the button below for more detailed information.
This is awarded annually to an individual in recognition of that person’s outstanding contribution towards the development and growth of the New Zealand Gypsy Cob Association.