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Registration Form

Please ensure you have read and checked the relevant red boxes before proceeding.

Allow 4 weeks for processing

 Some handy links:

  DNA profile & parent verification from Massey - Click here to redirect to Massey DNA application

 * Under the heading 'Genotype testing' there is a Gypsy specific test - 'GYP Genotype' which covers all of the above

  Registration photos, showing both sides and front.    NZGCA Photo requirements

  Please select carefully.  Once submitted photos can not be changed.


Registration Checklist
Drum - coming soon

Owner Details
Horse Details

If registration number or DNA Ref numbers are unknown, please insert 'XXXX'

In the case of Partbreds with no registration number or DNA Ref number, please insert 'XXXX'

To send hair for DNA profiling to Massey

• Pull 30-40 strands of hair ensuring hair follicles are attached

• Place hair in an envelope and write horses registered name on the envelope (please make sure that no hairs 

   are exposed and do not touch hair follicles as this may damage the DNA)

• Complete the Massey University DNA request form which is found at:

• You may request Colour, PSSM and FIS testing at the same time.

• Payment is made directly to Massey

Samples can be couriered to Massey University 1 Drysdale Drive, Palmerston North 4410 or posted to Equine Parentage and Animal Genetics Services Centre, Internal Mail PN811, Palmerston North 4410

Once processed, Massey will email you your DNA certificate. Please upload it below.

Upload Photo
.jpg(Max 15MB)
Upload Photo
.jpg(Max 15MB)
Upload Photo
.jpg (Max 15MB)

Please note: Photos that do not meet the registration requirements will not be accepted and you may be asked to redo them. If you are unsure please check here

Upload File
.pdf (Max 15MB)
Upload File
.pdf (Max 15MB)


The submitting owner acknowledges that DNA profiles are submitted on the condition that all profiles derived from the samples will be incorporated into the Massey database to be solely used for the verification of the parentage of any animal at any time that is applying for registration with the New Zealand Gypsy Cob Association Inc. Massey will store the samples indefinitely and will only release them if requested in writing to the owner as identified on this form. Massey and NZGCA will maintain client confidentiality at all times. The owner verifies that the animal information submitted on this form is true and correct. Registration is subject to the NZGCA committee being satisfied that the submitter has declared all liens and encumbrances related to the horse, if any, and that the submitter has full authority to register the horse. A false declaration may result in the registration being declined. This profile is authorised for use by other breeders for parentage verification purposes only

Registration Fee

Late penalty fee applies for horses being registered over the age of 24 months at the date of registration submission

It is your responsibility to pay the correct registration fee. Please check if you need to pay a late fee and/or a non members fee. If paying manually please send proof of payment to so that your registration can be processed.

Payment can be made via Paypal or Bank transfer

If paying by bank transfer please use "Registration" and your Last Name as Reference

Application Received with thanks

Copyright 2022. New Zealand Gypsy Cob Association. All Rights Reserved.

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