Taking photos for NZGCA documents
You will need to take 3 photos of your horse: left side, right side and front-on.
Photos must be landscape and uploaded in a picture format eg .jpeg or .png
They must show the horse without tack/cover but in a halter or bridle
All four legs must be visible in the side-on photos.
The photo should be taken/cropped so that the handler is not visible
The horse must be standing side-on and square (i.e. not moving)
The tail should not obscure the hock closest to the camera
The background must not distract from the horse
Front-on photo must show both front hooves and clearly show markings
on the front of the face - long forelocks should be moved to the side -
Photos must NOT be digitally altered in any way, this includes
background OR horse
Pre plan
Arrange a helper or two
Tidy the area so you have a clean, clutter free background or use a photo editing programme to do your tidy up
Teach your horse to stand square before the photos are required
Start with a clean cob. Wash, or at least brush your horse before you start and tidy up straggly or dirty tails /manes
Have a clean, well fitted bridle or halter
Have level ground for the horse to stand on
To take the photo, stand with the camera level with the horse’s girth and at wither height
Have the far legs inside the near legs so all four legs are visible
The canon bone should be perpendicular to the ground (straight down)
The front leg closest to the camera needs to be straight or the horse will look like it is leaning
A contrasting colour to your horse can be helpful but don’t stand them too close to it, so you avoid shading/ shadows
Lighting is important. The light shouldn’t be behind the horse, or it will appear to be in shadow. The best time to take photos is early morning or late afternoon- not midday when the sun is directly overhead
Ears forward (the horses not yours). This is where a helper and a bag of treats to shake are a huge help
Take plenty of photos and edit to remove unsightly bits in the background and crop to place the horse in the centre of the photo.